07 November 2013

Papa Francis akimuombea, kumbusu na kumkumbatia mgonjwa aliyejaa majipu mwili mzima.

Act of kindness: Pope Francis (left) comforts a man covered in boils in Saint Peter's Square at the
end of his General Audience in Vatican City

Touching moment: The pontiff kissed the worshiper, who suffers from a rare disease called neurofibromatosis, which is genetic and not contagious  
Show stealer: Last month, the pontiff allowed a young boy to remain on stage with him as he delivered a speech to 150,000 worshipers, occasionally patting the boy's head
Pontiff's penitence: Pope Francis washes the foot of a prisoner at Casal del Marmo youth prison in Rome March 28, 2013

Pope Francis concluded Wednesday's general audience in St Peter's Square in Rome by kissing a man covered in boils and joining him in prayer.
Photos of the pontiff embracing the severely disfigured man have gone viral online, with commenters praising the pope's for his compassion and kindness.
In Italian press, the pope has drawn comparisons to his illustrious namesake, St Francis of Assisi - a revered 13th century holy figure, who according to legend kissed a leper he had encountered on a road after receiving a message from God. 
Images of Pope Francis comforting the ailing worshiper were taken at the end of the general audience Wednesday, when a man covered in neuronal tumors approached the leader of the Catholic Church asking for a blessing. 
The man reportedly suffers from a rare and painful disease called neurofibromatosis, which causes boils, impaired vision and in some cases cancer, according to the Catholic News Agency. 
Patients suffering from the ailment, with is genetic and not contagious - are often shunned by society because of their appearance.
Pope Francis has been widely praised for his common touch and accessibility.  
Since being elected to the Holy See earlier this year, the pontiff has made headlines around the world by washing the feet of juvenile delinquents, personally calling distraught worshipers on the phone and inviting homeless people to dine at St Peter's Square.
On Wednesday, the leader of the world’s 1.3billion Catholics was greeting pilgrims following his weekly public audience when he took a break to comfort the disfigured believer.
Pope Francis then kissed the man on the face and blessed him with the sign of the cross. He was photographed with his eyes tightly shut in prayer.  
Earlier in today’s audience, the pope asked the people assembled in the square to pray for a sick little girl he had just met.
Last week, the pontiff allowed a little boy to remain on stage with him and cling to his leg during a speech in front of a crowd of 150,000.
Earlier this year, the pope tweeted to his 3.2million followers: ’The Pope must serve all people, especially the poor, the weak, the vulnerable.’
On Tuesday, the pontiff fired off this message: ‘We need courage if we are to be faithful to the Gospel.’

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