06 November 2013


MS Kalashnikov | Female fighters in Congolese rebel groups..In contemporary African wars women continue to play a variety of crucial roles, and yet they remain invisible to the world.
Colonel Fanette Umuraza is pictured at M23 headquarters in northern Kivu. A 32-year-old with a university degree in political science, she vehemently champions the ideology of M23's military chief Sultani Makenga, having worked her way up to serve as his right-hand woman.

M23 Major Fanette Rwagati, dancing with Local women in Kibumba

M23 Major Fanette Rwagati

Colonel Fanette Umuraza, 32 years old. Fanette joined M23 having previously fought in the CNDP, M23’s predecessor. She says she chose these rebel groups because she shares their ideology. M23 press conference following fighting over internal divisions. Kibumba, (territory controlled by rebel group M23), North Kivu, DRC

Umuraza says she wants to free the women of Congo from their role as victims. The fact that rebel groups have been repeatedly accused of committing rapes seems contradictory, though
Since 2012, Major Mathilde Samba has been serving the rebel group M23 alongside her husband.

At the age of just 31, Major Mathilde Samba (right) already has years of military experience. After serving in the Congolese army for 13 years, she defected in November 2012 and joined M23. Here, she is shown with her husband, Colonel Jean-Marie Labila, 49.

Major Mathilde Samba, 31 years old, during a M23 police show. Mathilde has been in the Congolese army for 10 years. She defected in November 2012, joining M23 with her husband and sending her daughters to Kinshasa. M23 compound, Rutshuru, (territory controlled by rebel group M23), North Kivu, DRC

Since 2012, Major Mathilde Samba has been serving the rebel group M23 alongside her husband.

Marimakile Kiakimuakisubua has also experienced violent attacks against family members. As a member of Mai Mai Shetani, she hopes to exact revenge.


Major Masika Ngheleza Queen, a 26-year-old with a degree in business and accounting, left rebel group Mai Mai Lafontaine in 2012. She was severely beaten as a result of her decision to join M23.

In her room, Major Masika Ngheleza Queen has hung a picture of her younger sister Denadine to remind her of home.

From left to right: Captain Liliane Katiwa (age not declared) Lieutenant Marimakile Kiakimuakisubua (age not declared) Major Francine Kanier (age not declared) Lieutenant Kanieremervè Uivin, 16 years old, Lieutenant Rehema Rahijya (age not declared) Mai Mai Shetani/FPD, Nyamilima, North Kivu, DRC

Mai Mai Shetani/FDP, Buramba military base, Nyamilima, North Kivu, DRC
Though the exact number of female members of the rebel groups in unknown, it is clear that many do not join the militants' ranks of their own free will. Often, women and girls are forced to join the rebel groups after being kidnapped.

Mai Mai - Shetani


Kanieremervè Uivin, 16, is the eldest member of her family. Her father was killed by a rival militant group several years ago, and her aunt was raped, prompting Uivin to join the Mai Mai Shetani rebels. She dreams of returning to school to finish her studies.

Liliane Katiwa, who is pictured here at the Buramba military base, dreams about having a normal life and a normal job.

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