08 September 2014


Jarvis Derrell, the brains behind #shehashadit, is back with us on Day 2 of New York Fashion Week. If you missed yesterday’s recap, you muhhhst check it out–just don’t be drinking anything near your computer while you do. He’ll be with us all week, breaking down street style fashion for us, so keep ya eyes peeled for more.
NYFW YAAAAAASSSSS YAAAAAASSSSSS YAAAAASSSSSS! Take note Kweens, THIS is how it’s done!!! Okaaayyyy!!!! I call this pose “Direct Deposit Opulence! AMEN!!! It’s feels like moments before this photo was taken, this regal Kween checked her bank statement, only to find out she’s even richer then when she left home this morning, so she crosses legs, looks up to the sky, and says “YAAAAAAAASSSSSS LORDT, THANK YEWWWW”….but silently! ;) I do the same thing when my food stamps kick in!!! #opulenceforeveryone #shesatfashionweekcountingdollars #imatchipotlecountingquarters #ineedthisburritobowl #justlikeineedtopayrent #whew #everybodyaintable #butimgladsheis #thrivekween #obsessed
YAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS YAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS YAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! These Sister Kweens are giving me everything I need in life and more! JUST EVERYTHING!!!! I mean, sequins, stripes, animal prints, fur and GRASS???? …YEEESSS please! Ummmm, both of these shondalalooks are like a modern day Golden Girls marathon I never want to end, OKAAAYYYY!!! #thankyouforservingalook #yaaaassss #shadypineskween #naughtyblanche #dirtydorothy #sequinflowerpatch #yesgod #legshoney #thoseshoeskween #ilive #bagbyhomedepot #sistahsistah #greenandblack #cheetahhats #clueless #nyfw #day2 #thriving
NYFW YAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSS Kween SLAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!! Now Keisha, you know I live for the pure dramatics of a sensible twirl guuurrrlll! And guuurrrlll Miss Kween is letting us HAVE IT!!! Spinning in circles for 20 minutes is a sure proof way to get the attention of a street photographer, kids!!! Although, when I did it, not only did I get the photographer’s attention, but also the police’s as well!!! Hahaha, Kweens I guess the world wasn’t ready my invisible Valentino gown today! Oops!!! #budget #nakedandafraid #never #kweensinmotion #nowtwirl #thathairdarling #obsessed #scarecrowjacket #fatalfringe #thebest #however #itsonlycutewhenitsinmotion #sorryboutit #shehashadit

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