13 July 2014


There are 204 countries, 809 islands and 7 seven seas, but the earth resources are not equally distributed all over the earth. Some countries are highly developed while others are very poor even they do not have the basic necessity of life. A poor country faces many problems like diseases, malnutrition, scarcity of food and water. There is a fact that poverty affects a person on a personal level and on a major level it grows into a country. The following list is according to the GDP, level of development, availability of basic needs and lowest purchasing power parity (PPP). We present you the list of Top 10 Poorest Countries in the World

10. Togo

Togolese Republic is located in West Africa. It is one of the poorest country in the world and most of the people depend on agriculture with a climate. This country is a home to almost 6.7 million and also known as The Slave Coast and has a GDP per capita of $830. The people of this country are facing many problems, including scarcity of food, water and unavailability of basic health facilities.

9. Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone
The population of Sierra Leone is almost half million, but the Government of this country is unable to provide basic facilities to their citizens. The approx GDP per capita of this country is $780. This country has enough natural sources for people, but violence and other parameter have stopped the progress of the country.

8. Central African Republic

Central African Republic
Central African Republic has neither proper economic resources, nor any aid to feed to the needs of its inhabitants. It is one of the poorest country since is independence with the GDP of $760. The reasons behind its halt are least tourism, Illegal weapon, social unrest and violent activities.

7. Malawi

Malawi is considered as world’s least developed country and has many ethnic groups. It has a very low GDP per capita of $733. The government faces many problems such as to expand the economy, improving health and education and to become financially independent. Due to the high prevalence of AIDS the country has no sign of progress.

6. Eritrea

The Eritrea has lots of natural resources like uranium, but it is considered a poorest country in the world. The GDP per capita of Eritrea is $730. Violent activities and weak political leadership have affected millions of people living in this multi ethnic country.

5. Somalia

Somalia is considered as one of the most dangerous country to live in 2013 due to the international pirates. It is known for its food scarcity which forces the people to use weapon to get money. It is estimated that GDP per capita of Somalia is $600. Economic conditions also play a key role in making it a worst country in the world.

4. Burundi

Burundi is located in East Africa and has the population of less than 1 million. It has one of the lowest per capita GDP of $410. Over 80% population lives below the poverty line have food and water shortage. All people depend on crops includes cotton, tea, corn, sweet potato and banana. Another option for income is mining includes uranium, nickel, cobalt, copper and platinum.

3. Liberia

The Liberia is a country located in West Africa, which have no basic amenities of life. Almost half of its population lives on $1 per day and the GDP per capita of Liberia is 360. With the lack of food, no proper sanitation system and collapsed economy the country is facing crisis on a larger scale.

2. Democratic Republic of Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of Congo is located in central Africa, which is the 11th largest country in the world with a population of 65 million. It has the second lowest GDP of $355 but the positive point is it has the richest mining sites of diamond, gold, silver, zinc, uranium, germanium, bauxite, iron, coal and radium. It is estimated that over $20 trillion of minerals are in the Congo mine.

1. Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is considered as the poorest country in the world for violating the right to shelter and food, freedom of movement, residence and freedom of assembly. It was colonized at the end of the 19th century and its latest constitution was approved last year. With the lowest GDP it is the poorest country in the world

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